The Isthmus Society
5222 Mosse Humanities Bldg
455 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
Inquiries & webmaster:
[email protected]
FUS Doubters
IVGCF Science Group
Form an Isthmus Society Affiliated Group
Affiliated Discussion Groups:
Doubters’ Group of the
First Unitarian Society (FUS)
The FUS Doubters meet monthly to discuss science and religion issues from the perspectives of atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, and free-thought. Recent topics of interest have included the ongoing debates over evolution and intelligent design as well as the relationship between reason and spirituality. The Doubters occasionally host special events such as guest speakers and films. All (including curious and good-humored believers) are welcome!
Meetings: Every second Monday, 7-9 PM
Location: First Unitarian Society, Library; 900 University Bay Drive, Madison
Roger Backes [[email protected]]
Mark Shults [[email protected]]
Science Group of InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship (IVGCF)
The IVGCF Science Group meets weekly every Tuesday during the academic year for discussion and readings. This spring, the group has been working through Neil Postman’s stimulating cultural critique, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology (Random House / Vintage Books, 1993). The group invites participation from students, faculty, staff, and alumni of the University of Wisconsin (including curious and good-humored non-believers).
Meetings: Weekly Tuesday’s during the academic year, noon to 1:00 PM
Location: UW Union South, 227 N. Randall Ave., Madison (Check “TITU” for room listings.)
Jon Dahl [[email protected]]
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Form a Group!
The Isthmus Society invites affiliation with new or already existing local groups devoted to discussion and exploration of science-religion issues. Affiliation offers free advertising on this web site and at our public events as well as representation on the Isthmus Society’s steering committee. Affiliation also affords opportunities for groups to interact with the distinguished scholars on our staff. For more information, contact Scott Prinster at [email protected].
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